Geocel 945 HM Construction MS Sealant Adhesive 290ml Cartridge
Colour Options: Black Grey and White
MS Polymer based HM sealant and adhesive for building and civil engineering structures.
Geocel 945 Benefits:
Has a fast cure and is abrasion resistant including foot traffic soperfect for stadium and shopping center joints, it is resistant toaerobic and anaerobic bacteriological attack making it suitable forhospital and clean area applications.
Excellent applicationcharacteristics with high bond strength, Permanently flexible adhesivebond with great abrasion resistant including foot traffic for shoppingcentre floor joints or similar the fast cure also makes this suitablefor areas that need to be put into action.
Resistant to aerobicand anaerobic bacteriological attack and has excellent applicationcharacteristics with a high strength adhesive bond suitable forexpansion joints in concrete walls and sea wall defense accommodatesnarrow and wide large joints.
290ml Cartridge
Colour Options:
Black – 6001634
White – 6001636
Grey – 6001635
Geocel Floor and Concrete Sealant
All Manufacturers Saw Cuts and Movement Joint Sealants
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