Trade Product Option: 25 Litre Drum
Cromar All Weather Roof Paint Coating
Colour Black
Barcode 5036684002769
25 Litre Drum Cromar All Weather Roof Coating is a solvent based black coating that can be applied by brush or solvent resistant roller sleeves finished with a brush.
The roof coating compound has a small amount of added fibres for reinforcement.
Specifically designed for overcoating and restoring leaking or slightly damaged roofs, or general maintenance dries to a tough black finish.
An effective, general purpose roof coating that is resistant to water almost immediately after application, therefore ideally suited for winter use
Can be used to waterproof guttering (not plastic), can also be applied to structural steel work.
Cromar All weather Roofing Compound may be used in conjunction with a rot-proof hessian, reinforcement scrim or a bituminised glass fibre scrim.
It may also be used as a vapour barrier.
Waterproof and repair many different types of roof coverings including
- Asphalt roofs
- Built-up felt roofs
- Concrete roof decks
- Asbestos-cement sheeting
- Metal sheeting including iron, steel, zinc and lead
- Slates and tiles
Approximate Coverage depending on surface
1st and following coats 1 to 1.5 meter square per litre
If your roof is poor consider Scrim Treatment
In order to bridge gaps, cracks and fissures and in all cases where roof surfaces are in advances states of decay, it is recommended that All weather Roofing Compound be used in conjunction with a reinforcing membrane, either rot-proof Hessian or, preferably glass membrane.
Having ensured that the surface is clean and receptive to the coating product, apply a first coat at 1 meter square per litre. Immediately apply the glass membrane into the wet All weather Roofing Compound film using a brush charged with coating. Ensure that complete contact is achieved and that no air is trapped beneath the Roofing Compound.
The glass membrane should be lapped by 50 to 75mm and the inside of each lap should be painted with a small amount of Roofing Compound. Small gaps and differences in levels should be bridged ensuring that the glass membrane is not pulled too tightly across the gap so that any movements in the structure will be accommodated. Least 150mm and secure using self adhesive flashing (150mm width) allowing 75mm to be in contact with the brickwork above. Apply a second coat of All weather Roofing Compound and allow this to dry.
Cleaning tools is normally done with white spirit but you may consider using paint brushes that will be discarded after use.
Always use the product from a paint kettle and close the container to prevent evaporation.
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